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Livedrive Cloud Backup Storage - 2 TB - 2 PCs/MACs + 5 Mobile Devices

Livedrive Cloud Backup Storage - 2 TB - 2 PCs/MACs + 5 Mobile Devices

Livedrive Cloud Backup Storage - 2 TB - 2 PCs/MACs + 5 Mobile Devices

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<strong>Betala 1 199.- nu</strong>
Betala 1 199.- nueller 159.-/mån i 10 mån

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Effektiv ränta89,64%
Totalt belopp att återbetala1 589.-

Representativt exempel
Vid köp på 10 000 kr, antal bet. 12, uppl.avg. 395 kr, adm.avg. 39kr/mån, ränta 0 %, effektiv ränta 17,33 %, mån.belopp 872 kr, tot. att bet.10 863 kr. Om kampanjvillkoren inte följs utgår rörlig ränta (f.n. 20,95 %) och adm.avg. 39 kr/mån. Kreditgivare Santander.

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Teknisk specifikation

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    Livedrive Cloud Backup Storage

    Online Storage
    Livedrive makes it very easy to backup photos, documents, music and videos. Simply install the software on your computer and mobile devices, Livedrive automatically backs up your files to our secure online storage.

    Instant access
    Livedrive gives you instant access to all the files you ve backed up, even on the go.

    Easy recovery of backed up files
    We keep the last 30 versions of the files you backed up.
    So if disaster strikes (device broken, stolen or if you accidentally deleted something), you can always restore and restore your latest version(s).

    Military-grade security
    Livedrive encrypts your data in transit and stores all backups in our UK data centres. These are certified according to ISO 27001, have three layers of physical access security and our team of experts monitors our data centres 24/7. Livedrive accounts also support two-factor authentication (2FA), which helps prevent unauthorized access to accounts, even if a malicious person gets a hold of your password.

    • Online cloud backup and storage
    • 2 TB
    • 2 PCS/MACs + 5 mobile devices
    • 1 year
    • ESD - Download
    • Instant access to files, even on the go
    • Easy recovery of backed up files
    • Military Level Security

    ©2005–2022 Livedrive Internet Ltd. All rights reserved. 

    • Windows 8.1+ 
    • macOS 10.12+
    • Android 7+
    • iOS 11+
    Teknisk specifikation

    Mått och vikt

    Vikt (inkl. emballage)
    1,0 g


    Kompatibel med
    PC, Mac OS X, iOS, Android
    J2 Global Ireland Ltd
    Livedrive Internet Ltd.
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